Friday, May 27, 2011


So since I've been in LA I've joined a knitting group via my friend Ashley. No I don't knit. Thus I find it rather amusing to going to a knitting store every friday night, to not knit. This doesn't mean I don't have anything to be craft with. Since grad school I learned to felt and like it quite a bit. This myself Ashley and I have started a etsy store to sell our goods. Not that we have much up there yet but it's gonna be big!

Our Etsy Store:

My Knitting friend Stacy's knitting blog is also pretty sweet:

This is one of the projects I've been working on, more to come

I still don't knit!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Here we are in 2011

Two Years Later.....

Time flies when your not updating a blog.
Have a web page
Graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with my MFA in Costume Design 2010
Road Tripped from Coast to Coast over 5,000 miles over the summer on my own 2010
Relocated to Los Angeles in Sept 2010
Worked for Civic Light Opera over hire
Rhinestoned Rihanna's tour spanks at Muto Little's
Draping/Patterning/Constructing costumes for transsexual/transgendered website
Trying to figure out what theatre is in LA
Teaching myself how to start a disabled theatre company
Found a group of One Legged Ladies my Chix on Stix

It seems like a lot but it doesn't feel like a lot to me. I've been trying to see what I can do for a living at the same time as keeping it as something that excites me. Seems like there are a lot of obstacles that I can't even see yet. Little afraid of testing the water and finding it to be 20' deep and have it quickly swallow me up.

I think I would like to get into most disability work. From what I've found in LA most of it is geared towards the mentally handicapped and less the physically. I have yet to find some kind of activist group. There seems to be a bit of a void out here in that area. NY, Chicago, and Berkeley seem like the places to be.

At least out here in LA I do have my best friend Ashley which makes all the difference in the world.

More thoughts Later

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A quick fix

So I've found the quick way to get incredibly comfortable with ones body. Communal shows! So I've taken up trying to work out regularly and I've got a couple friends who are doing it with me, which as you know having a support team really helps get the job done. Well we have been working out at CMU's pool and showering together afterwards. Well these ladies like to strip down as soon as clothing becomes optional. Tell you what, when your around women that don't give a damn it kind of rubs off on you. And oddly enough it doesn't seem to bother me when I find Eve greatly staring at my stomach, but I cut her off when she start poking my nipple and saying it's so pink. These ladies are so nice, and I feel so free around them.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Disabled Theatre

So after this semester at school I've found that I don't really like designing costumes for bodies that people would call able. Rather I like designing costume for disabled bodies. They are really more interesting. And forever changing. I realized that dealing with the actors in my last show I had a problem rapping my head around the problems the actors were having with what they were wearing. It's a damn jean jacket, what about it is so uncomfortable? Sorry, for a person who feels she is sensitive to the needs of her actors, apparently that only applies to "real problems" not the hyper active sensitivity that says they have some kind of psychological problem that we encourage and goes un diagnosed. I'm ok with with people who have head injuries, psychological disorder (that have been diagnosed) and general craziness that comes with theatre.  

Real Problems:
Missing limbs
sever depression
spina bifida
Spinal cord injuries
Traumatic Head injuries
Hearing impaired

Not Real Problems
Fat rolls the size of my pink toe
small ripples in fabric
I could go on, but it could become rude

So because of this I am in a great search. A great search of a Disabled theatre company. Mind you have have been working with one for the past 7 years, fairly professional, but not a full time gig. There are many dance groups in the US, many groups just working with the deaf actors. Very few and fare between that work with any disability, I have found two places that have an education for disabled actors. But nothing is coming back with much of a design for disabilities. So here I go the new frontier?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Almost Aug Again

Well it is almost that time of year again, that time of year that was my last blog on oh, so many months. So here it is the first blog of 2009. Although I don't know if anyone actually pays any attention to this. Really I still think it is the oddest thought, to have thoughts, just for anyone to look at, and expect people to look at them. What happen to just complaining to your closes girl friend. Is this really the release of the subconscious in a health manner? What in the long run will be the reverberation from all this "blogging"? Will we some how lose the ability to share with others in person, or no longer care to hear about it in person. Will the world be so flooded with personal thought and information that some how saving the important stuff or even finding it will be impossible. But what can you do. I'm gonna blog and see what I attract.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lets call this August

So once again I've found myself back in Pittsburgh. Some how two months have vanished into the summer heat. Shall I count the crashes, should we examine the pros and cons on the summer having even excited? But what to start with pros or cons?


Mattie has been banished from being my friend
Most friends didn't have me on their list any more "to busy with their real lives"
Everyone who wasn't dating someone is now dating someone
Wasn't the designer on Side Show
Car got Totaled
Packed up childhood room, never to step foot in that house again
Disconnected with father
Miss placed camera the whole trip
Bed bugs at mom's house
Laptop got a good ding it in
Wasted time on making a friend who turned out to be a dick
Found myself with nothing to give
Just a lot of suck


Got to see Ashley (a surprise visit)
Did see my friends
Being with PHAMALy (although made tough with dick boy
Met Jan (Mark's new girlfriend, she is fun)
Opened Hot l Baltimore
Have a new shiny red car
Took hot guy home from the bar (twice)
Got my butt molded (more to come)
This and that I guess

Still pros, still cons

I don't now, not the summer I had in mind. But when has life ever been that way for me?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My dryer lint always comes out a hue of Green

The small comforts in life.  These seem to be over whelming to me in these few days I've been back in Denver.  It is amazing how much the smell of another person is something I didn't realize I missed so much.  That sweet sent that is their own, some part detergent, some part soap, and then the sent that makes them, them, just like a finger print, none the same.  It makes me think a little differently about the movie Perfume, if only we could just bottle a persons sent to have it, to smell in when feeling so desperately unloved, lonely.

These people we smell and remember are of such importance.  Just as the comfort of knowing what color the dryer lint will be.  I've been pondering the world of great loses, everyone goes through it, some more ignorant then others but isn't it all the same.  My good friend Danielle always told me that the pain I feel is equivalent to the pain others feel, even though to my eye it couldn't be the same.  Then I look at people who have lost greater then I have, and it makes me think I have no right to think about my pain.  Where does this all play?  Where does the line start and end?  What should we say and do.

I find that I can't exist around people unless they know who I am, what I think, what I feel, what really adds up to me.  I go through mass scales of ups to downs.  Most enjoy sharing ups, triumphs, the joys in a persons life.  But then we aren't suppose to share the downs.  These things say we are having a pity party, owe poor me.  I guess when I share these things it is for a tool purpose.  I think people should know why.  Why do I look sad?  It concerns me more that you don't want to know, or perhaps you didn't even notice.

I don't know, but my laundry is done!