Saturday, April 26, 2008

Where do babies come from?

Ashley would like to know where babies come from.  Now for how many strange stories out there that cover this whole event I would rather look at, Why do people have Babies?  Why do people have babies, first it was survival of the species, then it was for continuing the family tree aka an airier to the thrown, next we had child labor on the farms, along side with the expectation that people didn't expect their off spring to survive.  So here we are now in the 2001 century and we are over populated with children starving, with out homes, without families, and we still feel the need to have children.  Now there is the under educated popping out kids like birth control hadn't been invented and the educated class has stopped breading.

But really lets go back to the question at hand, why do people have babies?

Personally I think it is the most selfish thing to do.  What you have a child, in hopes that is has your genetic make up, the good stuff, not the heart decease, or dyslexia, or that things we wish we didn't inherit from out parents, just the good stuff.  So we want these children with perfect genetic make-ups.  Then we want these children to do better and have more then we did.  So even before this child is born you've put unrealistic expectations on them.  Lets not mention the fact that you are going to push your dreams on this child, the dreams that you were to afraid to accomplish, or just not talented enough or smart enough.  But you think with the right education, the right encouragement, starting them on tap lessons early enough, they will making it, they will have their dreams come true.  Dreams they don't even know they are to have because they aren't born yet.

So people have babies to make their dreams come true?  And no having the baby isn't the dream.

The amazing fact is that they forget their parents had the same idea in mind, and after the baby grows out of there childhood and realizes that they didn't really want to grow up and they had it good durning sand box time, spiting their parents for taking their childhood about to pursue interest they never wanted, and then finding themselves with no idea what they want to do for a living, wondering why all they want to do is watch tv and smoke pot, and here they are in their mid twenties with their parents so disappointed in them, wondering if they want to have a family?

So why do we have babies, why not just stop this evil cycle right here, stop the torture, because you never asked to be born.  So their you have it, children are a selfish action on the part of the parents, any questions?

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