Thursday, April 24, 2008

Higher Edjumacation

So it has become apparent to me after having spent nearly a year here at Carnegie Mellon what a good education cost.  I look around myself at the student body and I think of my undergrad,  I've asses how much my undergraduate education left such big wholes in what I need to know.  And I watch the students at CMU school demand the attention, the education because they are aware of how much they are paying for it, a believe you me, it ain't cheep!  But the notion to me, that it is all about the money to get a good education, makes me upset.  But the interesting aspect of what you get when the student body that is made up of mom and dad's money.  You get a student body that hasn't had to rely on anything but the cash in their wallet, so they don't understand what it is to need, to be left in the dark, to have to rely on people, and only stuck with people like them.  

Some hope for society is all I'd like to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

society is not humanity;
education is not wisdom;
& evolution cant fix all that dumbassery at once.
but i love you :)