Friday, April 25, 2008


So I just saw a performance of Don Carlos, it was wonderful, good acting, great set, costumes work,and then there was the sound.  I'm not saying that the sound wasn't good.  Their were some really amazing moments that the sound created.  But it seems that the current effect ipods are having on our youth is now finding its self intergrated into theatrical performance.  I've been wondering what effect it is going to take on the world when everyone has their own personal sound track going all the time and they aren't listening to one another, or for one another, they are the only one that excised.  What kind of society is this going to produce.  When everyone lives in their own world, are we going to be a society?  

So any how about the sound in the show.  On the other side of these great moments, their was a sound tack, music all over the place, sure to amp up moments, end and start the performance, actually I don't think it was at the end.  But then their was more music, durning scene changes, sound of back ground music, sounds of scene, sound of action when their were no words.  I felt distracted and controlled by all this music, I could take the moment of silent actions to feel the scene, I was immersed in the music.  I'm finding this in a lot of shows here at CMU, it isn't just this show.  Where do you think this is leading theatre? Where do you think this will put the audiences.  I feel like by adding so much, we are taking so much more away!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sound pollution, light pollution, thought pollution; some things just get over done. shame really cause simplicity is beautiful